Saturday, August 28, 2010

The accountant?

The accountant?
An accountant is having a hard time sleeping and so he decides to go to see his doctor. "Doctor, I just can't get to sleep at night," complains the man. "Have you tried counting sheep?" inquired the doctor. The accountant replied, "That's the problem, Doc. I make a mistake and then spend three hours trying to find it!"
Jokes & Riddles - 17 Answers
People Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Ha ha ha probably true ,,,
Answer 2 :
Answer 3 :
a wooly good
Answer 4 :
Lol, it's true.
Answer 5 :
LOL! xD Yeah... Accountants tend to do that... xD xD xD
Answer 6 :
Answer 7 :
oh, that's great!
Answer 8 :
LOL. very good Rose.
Answer 9 :
hahaha accountants exiting lol
Answer 10 :
That is so close to how accountants are trained it is unbeleivable!!! LOL!! 10/10 for that one!! *
Answer 11 :
hehehe, sounds about right, and then they charge for it, pmsl star
Answer 12 :
Ha ha ha.!!! Poor bloke, lol.!!! Cheers.!!
Answer 13 :
thanks for the laugh
Answer 14 :
that's cute
Answer 15 :
Nice one.
Answer 16 :
Answer 17 :
HeHe.... Sounds about right...

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

If an accountant was constipated?

If an accountant was constipated?
would he work it out with a pencil? Yeah, the old ones, are the best ones!
Jokes & Riddles - 12 Answers
People Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Answer 2 :
OH fecking hell, must try this! From a constipated accountant:))
Answer 3 :
A pencil would be insufficient - he (or she) would need paper as well.
Answer 4 :
probably not because accountants are full of s#!t
Answer 5 :
A really old one when i was at school.
Answer 6 :
I thought it was that a mathematician was constipated and he worked it out with a pencil.
Answer 7 :
Answer 8 :
heard it.
Answer 9 :
i didnt get it
Answer 10 :
only if a dishwasher used a spoon
Answer 11 :
i dont get it????
Answer 12 :
That really is disgusting.
Answer 13 :
vacuum cleaner would work

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Chartered Accountant schools?

Chartered Accountant schools?
So I'm thinking of going into Chartered Accounting and I was wondering which universities in the GTA offer a program which will help me succeed in doing this. I am in high school Grade 11, but will be in Grade12 next year and I want to choose the best school for my learning. I was thinking about York Universities Schulich School of Business but I've heard bad things so yeah.. Can anyone help me out and link me to some pages which will provide what I'm looking for? Thanks in advance!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Answer 1 :
Here is a page below that might help you. I'm in the UK but looked it up on the internet - my son in law is a chartered accountant - and it looks very similar over there to how it is here. Basically, he got a maths degree and then he got a job with a big accountancy firm, and over the course of three years training with them he took his exams. That looks to be only 30 months required in Canada. Looking at the website below, it seems they like you to do a commerce or management degree over there, but if you contact ASCA they will give you more information.

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Accountants please could you help with the following journal?

Accountants please could you help with the following journal?
Cash received from customers was £29,560.49. This was posted to the sales ledger control account as £25,960.49. Please could you draw up a journal for that. Thank you.
Other - Business & Finance - 3 Answers
People Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
No, no I will not.
Answer 2 :
The sales ledger control account must balance to all the individual debtors balances. There will be a Credit balance(as sales ledger control account is understated) in the suspense account of £3600 on the trial balance. therefore: Debit : Suspense Account £3,600.00 Credit : Sales Ledger control Account £3,600.00 Hope thats correct.
Answer 3 :
Debit cash 3600, credit accounts receivable, 3600.

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