Monday, July 28, 2014

Out of the following two careers which would be the best path to choose if i want to emigrate the the USA?

Out of the following two careers which would be the best path to choose if i want to emigrate the the USA?
I am starting a degree in accounting, when i finish should i become a chartered accountant or should i stay on at uni as a graduate tutor and study for a masters or p.hd (not sure which one they put you through for). So accountant or lecturer in accounting - which would be best for emmigrating?
Immigration - 4 Answers
People Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
definetely accountant - if ur good n hardworking u'll probably get a job straight away thats what happened to my cousin when she went to the US she's also an accountant but depending on the type of person u r teaching might be more rewarding but bein an accountant will earn u loads
Answer 2 :
dont do it !! worst place on the planet to move to at this point in history .
Answer 3 :
Any good job should do good, as long as you have a good working experience (a vast and qualified one is better). Also, it should help a lot if your English is good. But do visit for official information about immigration to the U.S. To find out about specific kind of employment visa and requirements, go to Also visit to read more information about different types of employment visas. Try visiting It is a great website where you can read others' stories about immigration to the U.S. You can post questions there and they will answer to you. It is a good place for you to ask questions and get advice, but remember that it is not an official website and that they are not lawyers. Besides, it's worth knowing others' stories of success, right???? Good luck!
Answer 4 :
Whatever path you choose you will need experience in your field before you can look for work here. Accountancy may be problematic as you will need to deal with different laws here and would have to study for certification here. If you find work with a multi national company though you might be able to get yourself transferred to the USA. A Master's or PhD certainly won't hurt your case as to get a work visa here you need to be better qualified and more skilled than anyone that can be hired locally. Start off by looking at recruitment pages for American colleges and large accounting firms, you will find out just what kind of qualifications and certification you need. Again if you want to teach here you may need to study the American way of doing things. It's not about finding the best job for emigrating, it's about finding a job where you can excel and make yourself more employable. Good Luck Edit to add. I stumbled over this website today. I think it would be well worth you taking a look.

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Monday, July 7, 2014

I'm trying to find A group of paintings that inspired me in the national protrait gallery London?

I'm trying to find A group of paintings that inspired me in the national protrait gallery London?
I don't know the author but I can give you a description of the paintings. These paintings are a set of about five they show a women marrying her husband and then they show her cheating on her husband with the family accountant, there is another photo of her husband finding her and the accountant in a room together the last two photos show her on a chair because she has committed suicide with her child being forced away from the mother.. It's so important for me to find these paintings.! Thanks the help people
Painting - 1 Answers
People Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Well, it won't be the National Portrait Gallery, as it's not a series of portraits, is it? It sounds like one of the Hogarth series in the National Gallery round the corner.

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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How can I relocate to UK from Bangladesh? I need a job in England.?

How can I relocate to UK from Bangladesh? I need a job in England.?
I am working as an accountant in an MNC telecom company, need a job in UK so that I can work and live in UK. I need to shift as soon as possible. I am a BBA, 24 years old, 1+ years experienced in accountant job. Dont have UK VISA
Food Service - 9 Answers
People Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
try adding your CV to
Answer 2 :
UK is full up. Try Canada
Answer 3 :
Just come! We dont have immigration laws! They let everyone in!!! Well it seems that way!
Answer 4 :
just show out...everybody else does and they seem to be doing OK.
Answer 5 :
jimobasa: lol
Answer 6 :
We already have enough immigrants in the UK, you have no skills that are really needed here, plus the fact we don't want you.
Answer 7 :
Back of a lorry usaully works ,,,, Then when you arrive ,, they tell you to find your way to immigration ,, if you dont ever locate it Pop into Social ... they will give you money vouchers ect ,,, and if you want a Council house ,,You will be First on The list ,,,, if you by now have change your mind ,,,try Russia ,,,,,,,.
Answer 8 :
i need a job and I live here
Answer 9 :
Oh, just get on a plane and come over mate, don't worry about the visa...there's too many people fussing over someone having a ciggie in a boozer to worry about potential suicide bombers coming over here to play.

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